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Field of application

Online exercise in video conference call

Getting to know each other


Finding similarities

Resume / Brief description


The moderator asks several questions to which the participants can answer with yes or no. According to their answer, cover the camer with a (coloured) paper or sticky note (if answer is no) or uncover the camera by taking the paper or sticky note away (if answer is yes).

Target group




Colleagues of the same company or work team

Colleagues working in intercultural contexts

Professionals of different area

Group size

This exercise can involve a variable number of participants.


The Animal Exercise has the objective

  • To get an overview and impression of a group
  • To do team building via similarities (same answers)
  • To activate reflection of participants (questions related to the topic).





  • (coloured) paper or sticky note or other (e.g. also own hand) to cover or uncover camera



  • Flexible
  • usually 3-4 questions or 5-10 minutes


Implementation - Overview

1.       Preparation


  • The moderator has prepared several questions to which the participants can answer with yes or no.
  • The participants have something to cover or uncover their cameras.

2.       Roll-out


  • The moderator reads out loud one questions after another
  • The participants respond to the question by covering or uncovering their cameras:
    • If they can answer the question with "yes", they uncover their camera by taking away the paper or sticky note or other object
    • If they can answer the question with "no", they cover their camera with a paper or sticky note or other object.

Templates, Graphics for download

