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Spider Game

Resume / 

Brief description


This game is an icebreaker and presentation game that can be played in a large room or outdoor.


The main aim of this game is to introduce the participants of a big (international) group in a non-formal and dynamic way. For 30 participants it takes approximately 40 minutes.


This game can be performed inside the classroom without tables or outside.


The goal is to create a big spider web that connects people by using a wool yarn.


Target group





Colleagues of the same company or work team

Professionals of different areas



To introduce people to others in a dynamic way

To connect people



A ball of wool



Implementation -Overview

  1. Assemble sets of materials for each team
  2. Present everyone the rules
  3. Start the game
  4. Finish the game


Implementation -Guidelines





As a first step, assemble sets of materials for each team. You can form teams according to the size of your overall group. Remember that long yarn will be needed. The length of the yarn can approximately be determined by the number of participants in the team multiplied by the diameter of the circle that they create.


Secondly, present everyone the rules. The game will proceed as follows:


  1. The participants form a circle. They should stand in a circle facing each other to the circle centre.
  2. The ball of wool is held by one of the participants. You can choose the first person randomly by throwing the wool ball. The participant then wraps the wool around the wrist and introduces him or herself. This person should shortly tell about his or her name, age, educational background and one special thing about habits, tastes, or hobbies.
  3. The participant throws the ball of wool to another person. He or she then introduces him or herself and wraps the wool around his or her wrist.

The game starts when the teacher throws the wool ball to the first selected participant.


The game finishes when the teacher cuts with scissors the wool that connects all the participants.