E-Learning Environment
Mathetics (=science of learning, subjective didactic) vs. Didactics (=science of teaching, objectiv didactic) (Eichelberger; Laner et al., 2010, p. 63)
Definition of E-Learning
= Merge of educational processes with digital technologies
- Blended Learning: mix of face to face and digital remote learning
- Online Learning: digital Learning
(Kergel, Heidkam-Kergel, 2020, p. 2)
Advantages & Disadvantages of E-Learning
- Advantages:
- The participants do not depend on time and space, more autonomy (time management)
- online seminars parallel to daily life → immediate application in daily working processes
- diverse learning offers → focus on one topic or individual topics
- collaboration with others → new insights, contacts, enrichment
- Disadvantages:
- Need of good self- & time-management (often a hindrance)
- lack of Presence → no interaction with the others, easier to step behind, to avoid visibility
- a knowledge shared is a knowledge doubled → only if cooperation (based on previous experience)
- need of courage to say something, harder in virtual space
- responsibilities for learning process are not clear
- motivation doesn’t last until the end
- technology is a hindrance, if participant is not familiar with
Learning competency
Definition of Learning competency (Born 2014, p. 12f.)
- knowledge, capacities, skills, abilities and attitudes that are necessary for individual and cooperative learning processes - can be developed and optimized through learning.
- includes: 1) technical skills; 2) methodological skills; 3) social skills and 3) self-competence
- Self-competence especially important: possibilities for motivation, organisation & controlling cannot be copied from face-to-face teaching need of individual responsibility, self-organisation
- Access/motivation:
- Help pages, contact via e-mail/phone open to public
- Frustrating, in case of problems/difficulties
- Online Socialisation
- Present – perceive – orientation (on the platform)
- Useful: attractive entrance into the topic, arousing interest; efficient & fast support
- Where appropriate, face-to-face seminar for introduction
- Exchange of information
- Perception of possibilities for information & communication
- Indication for support, FAQ & content related suggestions
- Joint knowledge construction
- Forming of working groups – learning with and from one another
- Development & transfer, Self-organisation
- Role of instructor changes to role of supporter and learning colleague
The Participant:
(Born, 2014, p. 7f.)
- Ideal Characteristics: Discipline, Endurance, Motivation, Power, Cooperativeness, self-confidence, self-esteem, knowledge, ideas, brain
- Participant as Co-producer of the learning success: quality and learning success are based on active role of participants
- Participant is dealing with two worlds: personal life & virtual learning space
→ Participants in the focus → Task of teacher: support them in order to guarantee their learning success
Team members of online-seminars:
- Seminar manager
- Responsibility for all action in the three phases: Preparation – Implementation – Evaluation
- Organisational frame of the seminar: content related and didactical conceptualization, course material
- Coordination of the team’s internal cooperation
- Moderator or teletutor
- Co-responsibility for the communication and cooperation in the seminar groups
- Co-participation in achieving and verify the learning goals
- Reflection of the learning and working process together with seminar manager
- Definition and implementation of measures for intervention
- Expert
- Bring in expert knowledge for the seminar’s content
- Joint development of course (teaching/Learning) material
- Ready in the background for questions and more information
- Supporter
- Responsible for the technical frame, technical implementation of the wishes pronounced by seminar manager and experts
- Support for the handling and utilization of the learning platform
Literature / References
Eichelberger, H., Laner, C., Angerer, H., Bronkhorst, J., Günther, H., Hungs, E., ... & Stary, C. (2010). Unterrichtsentwicklung via eLearning. Oldenbourg Verlag.
Kergel, D., & Heidkamp-Kergel, B. (2020). E-Learning, E-Didaktik und digitales Lernen. Springer VS.
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