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E-Learning context - Rwanda and the World

Rwanda Context

Here in Rwanda there are different tools and methods used by regarding to the University and their ICT infrastructure.

Tools and method used in elearning among RWANDA Universities.

Public university

  1. University of Rwanda (UR) College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (CAVM) - MOODLE
  1. College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) - MOODLE
  1. College of Business and Economics (CBE) - MOODLE
  1. College of Education (CE) - MOODLE
  1. College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS) - MOODLE
  1. College of Science and Technology (CST) - MOODLE

Public integrated polytechnics and colleges

  1. Gishari Integrated Polytechnic (GIP) - MOODLE & YOUTUBE

Comparison to the current top 10 World universities

Top 10 universities in the World

  1. University of Chicago
    E learning tools used are:    
  1. Imperial College London
    E learning tools used are:
    Ponopto(lecture recording),
    Blackboard learning app (virtual learning)
    Turnitin (plagiarism detection)
    WebPA(peer assessment)
    Virtual learning
  1. UCL (University College London)
    E learning tools used are:
  1. University of Cambridge
    E learning tools used are:
    Skype classroom
    Adobe Express
  1. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
    E learning tools used are:
    Elba tools
  1. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
    E learning tools used are:
    Coursera and edx
    Google hangouts
  1. University of Oxford
    E learning tools used are:
  1. Harvard University
    E learning tools used is:
  1. Stanford University
    E learning tools used are:
  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    E learning tools used are:

Assessing Elearning Method/Models used In Africa Especially In Rwanda And Related Challenge

Assessment for e-learning requires effort on the part of the educational com- munity to propose methods, strategies, and procedures in order to achieve effective and efficient processes (Bulut 2019).

Most African countries have inefficient ICT-related infrastructure such as electricity, telecommunications, computers and trained personnel. A survey carried out by the AVU revealed that internet connectivity in tertiary institutions in Africa is inadequate, expensive and poorly managed (Twinomugisha, Magochi & Aluoch, 2004). Therefore, the three pillars of the ICT revolution, that is, connectivity, capacity and content, are yet to be realised in Africa.

The problem in Africa is generally not just the near absence of e-learning programmes but also the inability of students to gain access even to the few that do exist.

The average African university has bandwidth capacity equivalent to a broadband residential connection available in Europe, pays 50 times more for their bandwidth than their educational counterparts in the rest of the world, and fails to monitor, let alone manage, the existing band- width... . As a result, what little bandwidth that is available becomes even less useful for research and education purposes (Steiner, Tirivayi, Jensen & Gakio, 2005).

There are many reasons for encouraging e-learning in Africa. According to a study by Prakash (2003), access to education in the developing countries is limited with less than 5% of students in tertiary education compared to the world average of 16%. The demand for education in Africa exceeds the ability to deliver and is not offered to significant portions of the population. This inadequacy of access to higher education in Africa is evident from the number of students who seek universities. For instance, in 2003, Kenya was reported to have sent 12 000 students to foreign universities of which 7,000 went to India and 5,000 went to Europe and the United States (Mutula, 2003). However, African students are beginning to expect education to emphasise the process of learning rather than the content as the ‘shelf-life’ of information is limited because of rapid innovations (Carroll, 2006). Increasingly, students expect technology to have a significant role in their learning as the demand for courses offered by the African Virtual University (AVU) increases (Juma, 2003a).

In Rwanda the method/model used in E-Learning for most of all universities is BLENDED LEARNING.