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Transmission approaches for learning to learn

  • Learning how you…

This refers to the ability to identify one’s preferred language learning style in order to use it to improve the reading and writing skills. The person should consider that he/she will always use multiple learning styles, although he/she might favor one. There are three types of learners according to Valencia J. A. (2014): visual learners, auditory learners, and kinaesthetic learners. A set of learning strategies specific to each follow.

  • Strategies for visual learners

Visual learners are proficient at reading charts, spelling, learning by watching videos or demonstrations, and using words and phrases that evoke visual images. The following strategies can help develop their reading and writing skills: first, write annotations in the margins of readings; circle, underline, or highlight unknown words to look up in a dictionary, or even main ideas to easily recall information from assigned readings.  Second, transfer concepts from assigned readings into diagrams, flowcharts, or drawings. This will be especially helpful if one has trouble understanding the plot of narratives as it will help to identify main components and textual strategies. Third, use colors to help better recognize the paragraph structure in terms of PIE (point, illustration, explanation). For example, highlight points in red, illustrations in green, and explanations in yellow.

  • Strategies for auditory learners

Auditory learner prefers to receive information by verbal explanation rather than by reading. They like to talk through concepts, give presentations, or read out loud. The following strategies help develop the reading and writing skills: Read aloud when wanting to focus on learning specific concepts from the readings. Use this strategy during the revision process to help to identify grammar mistakes, confusing sentences, and other editing issues. Take advantage of any opportunity to discuss out loud texts one is reading or writing with other people. To begin a writing assignment, talk about the ideas with someone else. As one talks, he writes an outline and considers ways to structure his/her ideas.

  • Strategies for kinaesthetic learners

Kinaesthetic learners absorb, process, and retain new information best by doing, moving, or engaging in activities that require interaction with others. Strategies help develop the reading and writing skills: Draw, underline, or highlight in the book while reading; then, make graphs, diagrams, and concept maps to help understand the material. One can look for active ways to engage the ideas such as posting parts of the essay on the walls of the room, then walking around reading them. This may help to identify new ideas or ways to improve one’s work. Additionally, one may use markers of various colors to make notes on the draft that will help to activate the visual system.

Recognizing whether you are a visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic learner and identifying strategies that correspond to your learning style will help you to learn more effectively and efficiently.