6. Entre- and Intrapreneurial Skills Development
When undertaking their trainings, individuals have in mind creating their own businesses or using the creative faculties for the benefit of existing organizations. Unfortunately, many students lack entrepreneurial readiness to confront the changes in a new environment. The lack of readiness is contrary to employers’ expectations, who are waiting and looking for entrepreneurial graduates with the caliber to immediately impact the productivity of the firm.
Therefore this bookshelf provides two books on entrepreneurial learning concepts and tools, which can be used by lecturers and trainers at HEI in order to promote entre- and intrapreneurial skills among students.
6.2 Tools for Entrepreneurial Education
There are a lot of tools which could be used for entrepreneurial education. This books provides a selection of tools supporting...
6.1 Entrepreneurial Learning Concepts
This books provide examples of entrepreneurial learning concepts from different countries and HEIs.
6.3 Entrepreneurial videos (from Erasmus+ project EntreAction!)
In this book you can find several video interviews of entrepreneurs in six European countries (Germany, Bulgaria, Finland, Pola...